Course Setup Supporting tagline
1. /dss_course_dataset
In ARCAL RLA 5/051 DropBox account, you will find a folder named:
Copy it in your computer Desktop, this folder dataset to be used during the training.
2. Video tutorials
The video you will see in some tutorials are available as well as individual video files that you can visualize on your computer without internet connection. These video files will be provided at the beginning of the course with other materials including GIS and QGIS courses.
3. Softwares to be installed
- Quantum GIS
- DropBox
- TileMill. Note there is a new version (v0.10.01)
- DBFexplorer
- Google Earth
- Notepad++
- 7zip - optional
- Gimp
- Inkscape
- FWTools
- Python 2.7.3 windows installer